
  • Alexis Morales Montiel Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
  • Citlalli Reynoso Ramos ICSyH-BUAP
  • Mariano Castellanos Arenas ICSyH-BUAP


La Piedad cementery, Funerary Heritage, Funeral Cultural Route


The Cemetery of The Piety was inaugurated at the end of the 19th century as a Catholic and
private graveyard in Puebla. Currently it is a territory that is characterized by having a rich
natural and cultural heritage, tangible and intangible. Cultural assets (tombs and mausoleums)
are at risk of loss due to different factors, ranging from the lack of a conservation and
institutional protection plan, the abandonment of the oldest tombs, earthquakes and natural
events that cause deterioration, until the population and local authorities are unaware of the
funerary historical heritage contained in this space. Given this panorama, this research aimed to
catalog some assets that are likely to be heritage. As the main criterion, the concept of cultural
itinerary, proposed by ICOMOS (2008), was taken into account to observe the cultural
exchanges that enriched the life and culture of Puebla. This allowed proposing a cultural route,
which tells the history of the cemetery and the city, with this it is intended to start a process of

local patrimonialization that consolidates the conservation of the cemetery as an urban
document, involving society to generate identity with the place.


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Author Biographies

Alexis Morales Montiel, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

Licenciado en Administración Turística BUAP. Estudiante de la Maestría en Territorio,
Turismo y Patrimonio del ICSyH-BUAP.

Citlalli Reynoso Ramos, ICSyH-BUAP

Profesora-Investigadora del Posgrado en Estudios Socioterritoriales ICSyH-BUAP. Miembro
del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores

Mariano Castellanos Arenas, ICSyH-BUAP

Doctor en Ciencias Humanas y de la Cultura en la línea de investigación Patrimonio Cultural
por la Universitat de Girona en Cataluña, España. Profesor-Investigador BUAP. SNI1.



How to Cite

Morales Montiel, A. ., Reynoso Ramos, C. ., & Castellanos Arenas, M. (2021). THE FUNERARY HERITAGE OF PUEBLA CITY: THE CEMETERY “LA PIEDAD”. Topofilia, (22), 302–315. Retrieved from