Theoretical characteristics of the relation between urban housing and the state of health of its inhabitants


  • Káteri Samantha Hernández Pérez Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
  • Gerardo Vázquez Rodríguez Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León


Housing, Physical Health, Mental Health


The current document presents the bibliographic recovery and review from academic
postulates over health influence related to the characteristics of contemporary urban housing.
The main objective from the authors frame on a coherent interpretation of recent theoretical
documents, which attempt to analyze the relationship between the architectural space of
housing and its influence related to harmful consequences over health. Human health issues
are complex, does consist from multiple microsystems all interconnected; therefore, this text
characterize the phenomenon: in the first instance, from a determinism focused on the
description both physical and mental illnesses, and second their relation as a cause related to

the consequences of inhabiting such a living space. This theoretical apparatus exposed is part
of a current research, thus presenting an approximation of housing fundamentals related to
the problems and their impact on the health of its inhabitants.


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Author Biographies

Káteri Samantha Hernández Pérez, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Arquitecta por la UVG, Maestría en Ciencias con Orientación en Gestión e Innovación del
Diseño por la UANL. Actualmente Doctorante en Filosofía con Orientación en
Arquitectura y Asuntos Urbanos, Facultad de Arquitectura UANL


Gerardo Vázquez Rodríguez, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Arquitecto por la UANL. Maestría en Historia del Arte y Doctorado en Arte por la
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Profesor investigador tiempo completo en la Facultad
de Arquitectura UANL. Sistema Nacional de Investigadores Nivel II



How to Cite

Hernández Pérez, K. S. ., & Vázquez Rodríguez, G. . (2020). Theoretical characteristics of the relation between urban housing and the state of health of its inhabitants. Topofilia, (21), 165–173. Retrieved from