Redefining the environment of the residential architecture of Tijuana, Baja California. Reflections from the pandemic context of 2020


  • Ulises Hernández Espericueta Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
  • Elvia G. Ayala Macías Universidad Autónoma de Baja California


environment, habitability, residential architecture, environmental psychology, social housing


The present text links to the theoretical framework of environmental studies, for an
understanding of the real needs of the user in the face of the health contingency (COVID

19) that has been experienced since the beginning of 2020, revealing social vulnerability
and difficulty in complying with the measures established by international organizations;
specifically, the invitation to stay at home, request that reinforces the need to review the
comprehension of residential architecture. The housing sector of Tijuana, Baja California is
taken as the unit of analysis. A city that has undergone an accelerated urbanization process
that highlights social inequality and the quantitative and qualitative deficit in the provision
of housing, (González, 2018).
For the verification of this proposal, we start from a documentary analysis that constitutes
an interdisciplinary and comprehensive approach that is complemented by the realization of
a survey of the residents of Tijuana, the results reflect the commitments to design, build and
inhabit, granting coordination for the full understanding of the dimensions and factors that
the public, private and social sectors must have in mind in the face of the new normality.


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How to Cite

Hernández Espericueta, U. ., & Ayala Macías, E. G. . (2020). Redefining the environment of the residential architecture of Tijuana, Baja California. Reflections from the pandemic context of 2020. Topofilia, (21), 139–164. Retrieved from